【同义词辨析】 2017-10-27 甜的sweet-dulcet

sweet: is likely to be a term of mild general approval for what pleases or attracts without stirring deeply: what a ~ cottage; but can sometimes suggest a cloying excess of what is pleasing in moderation: a ~, overpowering aroma.    sweet主要有4个意思 1、本义含糖的containing a lot of sugar,如sweet dishes/foods/coffee/wine菜/食/咖啡/酒  2、常形容人温柔善良友好very gentle, kind, or friendly,如a sweet eldly couple一对待人很好的老夫妻,如he is really a sweet guy他对人真好,如she has a sweet smile她笑容真诚甜美,如it was sweet of her to take care of them她人真好,愿意照顾他们  3、引申为气味声音外表等令人喜欢having a pleasant smell, sound, or appearnce,如sweet fragrance/scent/air /music/voice/well/baby甜美的芳香/气味/空气/音乐/声音/甜水井/可爱的婴儿 4、 令人喜悦满意满足making one feel happy or pleased,如victory/success/revenge is sweet胜利/成功/复仇是甜的(令人喜悦满足) ,如a sweet deal/offer/dream/video game令人满意的交易/提供的工作机会/梦/电子游戏)     cloy过量而让人腻烦,不是sweet的本义,没有译出

engaging: is likely to stress the power of attracting and often of holding favorable attention: an ~ smile.    又如an engaging story/song吸引人的故事/歌曲

winning: otherwise close to engaging, is likely to stress the power of a person to please or delight: a girl with a ready smile and very ~ ways.

winsome: implies a generally pleasing and engaging quality and often a childlike charm and innocence: had an indefinably ~ quality.           也是令人喜爱,还可表示天真无邪,如he had a winsome, boyish smile像孩子一样甜美天真的笑容  charm魅力the power of pleasing or attracting people令人喜爱的能力、吸引力    

dulcet: suggests an appealing and gratifying or soothing quality: the ~ tones of a harp.     如拉丁短语utile duici有用、甜美,字面意思是both useful and sweet,这条拉丁短语是乔布斯最喜欢的拉丁短语,表示做人做事做产品不但要有用,还要让人喜欢         三个词的词首是gas气体,联想甜美空气

sweet甜: 泛指令人喜欢,engaging吸引人: 强调吸引人,winning令人喜爱: 进一步表示令人喜爱,winsome令人喜爱: 也是令人喜爱,常表示天真无邪,dulcet甜美: 表示令人舒心放松满足

记忆方法: 1)5个词SWWED重组成South West西南,和WED婚礼,想成在西南举办婚礼<==甜美的经历

          2)甜美的意思是令人喜爱吸引人mean distinctly pleasing or charming and free of all that is irritating or distasteful.